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Krapohl Ford & Lincoln

Order Your New Ford Now!

Dec 22, 2021

Krapohl Ford & Lincoln’s showroom served as a drop off spot in May for items for the Women’s Initiative Fund.

Noah Pontius, an estimator in the Krapohl Body Shop, helped direct traffic for a drive-in movie in March at Krapohl Ford & Lincoln.

Harold and Bob Krapohl founded Krapohl Ford & Lincoln more than 70 years ago. Today, we honor their spirit of community with one of our core values, acting all year on a strong sense of responsibility to help others.

We got involved with and supported numerous nonprofit organizations during 2021, always driven to improve lives and communities. And we want to thank you for helping to make that support possible, because when you do business with Krapohl, you, too, help area residents.

Here are a few ways we leveraged your support in 2021:

We believe in helping others. We believe in collaboration. And we believe it takes all of us to create vibrant communities.

#LocalDealership #LocalCommitment #WillYouJoinUs?